
Saturday, November 3, 2012


Time for a quote:

"I don't know whether there is anything particularly exciting about the air in this particular part of Hertfordshire, but the number of engagements that go on seem to me to be considerably above the proper average that statistics have laid down for our guidance."

This is probably my favorite quote from Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest, which is a wonderful piece of literature.  I wish I had written my AP essay on it, rather than Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, in which readers are thoroughly beaten by phrases including "heart", "darkness", and "heart of darkness".  But alas, I chose the latter.  It's okay, though, because I got a 5 on the test...

Back to statistics.
Statistics are fascinating "guidelines", as Lady Bracknell calls them, and I was just musing over how nifty it would be to have statistics on my blog here.  To see how many times I write the word "ten", for example.  Or the average number of links included in posts...

Of course, I'm able to see statistics about people viewing my blog, including where they're from and what browser they use.  I have a surprisingly large following from Brazil and Russia, for example.  And these statistics are intriguing...

Baugh.  Perhaps I should switch my major to Statistics.
Or, better yet, attend Brown University, meet Emma Watson, and take whatever classes I want, because Brown doesn't have a core curriculum, and if you don't know of a major you like, you can invent your own.

Anyway.  I think I'm going to head off to the library and check out some Oscar Wilde books or something.
Statistics books, maybe.

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