I would like to introduce the general population of the internet to my good friend, Martin.
In case you're wondering who Martin is, don't. All you really need to know is that Martin is a blog about writing. At least for this semester...and then I hope he'll develop into something a little more personable (not that writing isn't personable, but it's this awkward meta-writing that is strange. Writing about writing is...weird.)
Some of you who actually know me may wonder why I'm starting a blog. As you all know, it's because I want to expose every detail about my life to people electronically rather than forming actual relationships with other humans and having a normal discussion with them. This way they can't even interrupt me, and I won't be able to learn that much about them unless I read their blogs, which I will...occasionally...but everyone knows how hard it is to keep up on a blog.
So the real reason why I'm doing this is because it will earn me extra credit in my English 2010 class here at Utah State University. Yes, Martin, I'm using you to get a higher grade. Bwahaha. In all honesty, I don't really feel like I need extra credit in English in order to pass, but it will give me a nice cushion to slack off a little when my Calculus final rolls around. Don't tell my teacher that...(he's probably the only one who's actually following this on a regular basis, haha.)
Anyway. The actual blogging about writing will begin shortly. This nice little introduction will suffice for now.