
Monday, December 24, 2012


Perhaps it is time for some acknowledgement of the Christmas season?  I know there are some of you out there who can celebrate Christmas all year long, but for me, I get a little bit sick of it after so long, so I try to hold off until as late as possible.

For example, I don't listen to the Christmas music on the radio. Ever. Partially because the radio has terrible taste in Christmas music, but also because they start playing it way too early, and I think it's almost desensitizing to be exposed for so long.

You know, like being exposed to violence and swearing and sex makes you think it's not such a bad thing.  You build up a tolerance.  Well it's the same way for good things, like Christmas.  If every day after Thanksgiving (or for some enthusiasts starting immediately after Halloween) was full of Christmas music, Christmas movies, decorating everything for Christmas, reading Christmas stories and dressing like an elf (that was me yesterday at church...) then come Christmas day, there would be nothing special left to do...and it would be just another day in the life of a Christmas enthusiast.

There are, however, some aspects of Christmas that can never get old.  Last year I spent my December entertaining others via music as part of my school's Vocal Ensemble (or "Madrigal Choir", if you roll that way).  While this was exhausting and consuming, it was also really fun.  We had gigs at parties and things, and those were nice, but we also had opportunities to share some great moments as choir and audience in some more special settings.  We sang at a rest home and for church programs and all throughout the community.  My favorite experience was an impromptu performance in the quiet bedroom of a family friend of one of the choir members. And it was beautiful to see the music we had worked so hard to perfect embracing people, strengthening them and comforting them.

This was my favorite song: (Sorry if the video is a little weird.  It's a bunch of views of Logan, Utah. I couldn't find a better video song-wise.)
(Note that this song is not heard on radios or at shopping malls. This song is special.)

There are other aspects of Christmas Spirit that don't really get old for me.  One is service.  People turn December into such a huge service opportunity (think: Project for Awesome*, SilverRush, Toys for Tots, The Salvation Army's drive, and all those other opportunities to help out that you walk by every day.) and I wish that we could direct that much thought, effort and time to charitable causes and other people throughout the year, not just during one small part of it.  But either way it's wonderful to be surrounded by others who are in such giving mindsets because it makes everyone want to do more to love each other and magnify their own lives to include others.  And that never gets old because each opportunity and each experience is so unique and newly touching.

I also love the snow.  Can't have too much snow.
And the food. :D

So enjoy your Christmas traditions and the spirit of the season, and do something special to commemorate everything that Christmas means to you.

*If you don't know what Project for Awesome is, I suggest typing "Project for Awesome" or "P4A" into the search bar of Youtube and educating yourself.  It's worth it. :)

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